Do Arizona DUI Laws Require SR22 Insurance?
Do Arizona DUI Laws Require SR22 Insurance?

SR22 Insurance is not a type of insurance, but instead, it is proof that you have certain types of insurance. SR22 insurance varies from state to state and is based on the financial responsibility laws in your state. Arizona has very serious consequences for drivers caught drinking and driving. Furthermore, Arizona separates charges and penalties for DUI and extreme DUI which is defined as blood alcohol concentration is 0.15 or higher within two hours of driving or being in actual control of a vehicle.
DUI Convictions

An Arizona DUI conviction is a criminal misdemeanor, but the third DUI within 60 months of the second offense becomes an aggravated DUI which is a felony in Arizona.

From the first offense up to the third offense the penalties are severe, including fines, jail time, surcharges, interlock ignition devices which prevent your vehicle from starting if you have been drinking, alcohol and drug classes, license suspension, prison construction assessments, DUI assessment fees; all of which increase with each subsequent charge. Extreme DUI convictions carry even more severe penalties.

Furthermore, at any point and for even first offenses, the judge can require you to carry SR22 insurance which must be in place for 3 years. Failure to maintain SR22 can prevent you from getting your license reinstated and may cause further suspension or revocation.
SR22 Insurance

An SR-22 is a document required as proof of financial responsibility by the court or under state law for persons convicted of certain traffic violations – in Arizona it is required for a DUI. It is a form supplied by the insurance company stating that auto liability insurance is in effect for a particular individual. In Arizona, that SR22 must be maintained for a period of 3 years. This can be very expensive for the driver and failure to maintain it can result in loss of driving privileges and/or vehicle registration.

DUI’s are expensive, as is the fee for classes, and the requirement of having an interlock device on your vehicles. Maintenance of SR22 insurance and the possibility of not having transportation to work are also costly. If you have been charged with a DUI in Arizona, you will want to contact an attorney whose firm deals with these offenses. They will be able to advise you and assist you in minimizing your penalties.

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