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Arizona DUI Laws


Arizona DUI Penalties 2010

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Arizona DUI Penalties 2010 Arizona is known for having some of the toughest DUI laws in the United States. The conservative population has historically voted in favor of increasingly strict laws wi READ MORE

Dui Laws ? Arizona Dui With Medication

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Dui Laws ? Arizona Dui With Medication In Phoenix Arizona, did you know you can get an Arizona DUI without being drunk, or having had any alcohol at all? It’s right. You can get a DUI if you are READ MORE


Votes:33 Comments:0
Arizona DUI HOTLINE Do I have a Defense? In Arizona, it is imperative that your case be thoroughly reviewed by Mr. Jess Lorona, an experienced DUI attorney, immediately because in AZ, you are li READ MORE

Arizona's DUI Guide

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Arizona's DUI Guide I was just arrested for an Arizona DUI offense. What happens now? ISSUE ONE: The Arizona Implied Consent / Administrative License Suspension Proceeding: Under Arizona READ MORE

DUI Laws | Drunk Driving Laws Consequences And Penalties

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DUI Laws | Drunk Driving Laws Consequences And Penalties In Arizona, you can be arrested for a Arizona DUI offense based on two laws. First, if your driving is impaired based on your driving patter READ MORE

DUI-DWI Terms & Definitions

Votes:30 Comments:0
DUI-DWI Terms & Definitions Absorption Rate: The rate at which consumed alcohol finds its way into the blood stream. While alcohol sits in the stomach, its absorption is delayed. Absorption rate wi READ MORE

Arizona DUI Fines & Sentencing

Votes:36 Comments:0
Arizona DUI Fines & Sentencing When faced with an Arizona DUI arrest and/or conviction, there are a number of issues to consider: Will you have to serve jail time? If so, for how long? Or is probat READ MORE

DUI Laws and Penalties

Votes:22 Comments:0
DUI Laws and Penalties he Nations Leading DUI Penalties and Laws Website D.U.I. You may have heard this phrase before, but what does it mean? To many, it means a lot of things­. It could mean t READ MORE

DUI & DWI in Arizona

Votes:27 Comments:0
DUI & DWI in Arizona The state of Arizona defines driving under the influence, or DUI, as driving or operating a vehicle while mentally or physically impaired by any drug, alcohol or vapor releasin READ MORE

Do Arizona DUI Laws Require SR22 Insurance?

Votes:14 Comments:0
Do Arizona DUI Laws Require SR22 Insurance? SR22 Insurance is not a type of insurance, but instead, it is proof that you have certain types of insurance. SR22 insurance varies from state to state a READ MORE
Arizona DUI Laws
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